Did you read: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance?
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Hi Friend!
How's your life? Really?
Over the years, I have had the opportunity to work with hundreds of women and some men on wellness, weight loss, and becoming fully optimized and happy. It's a dreamy job! What's not dreamy is when someone gets stuck in their story—their old ideas, and a fixed mindset. I totally get this down to my bones. I used to tell myself that I would never be able to stop drinking. I also used to tell myself that my old GF, who cheated on me plenty of times, was the one for me, and it was OK that she cheated. I also used to tell myself that one day I would travel and that one day I would be happy! I used to live in a very small, controlled world.
I'm happy to share that all that old thinking is far behind me. I find it hard to believe that I used to live in those thoughts daily and how awful it was to listen to that voice!

What changed?
Someone in my twenties told me to read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values.
That book kicked off a spiritual experience that somehow led me to put down my favorite beverage, vodka; I then sank into Buddhism, lived in a wat, slept on a wooden pillow, learned how to meditate, created a practice, found mindfulness with John Kabit Zin, became a meditation guide then started teaching the practice of mindfulness.
I no longer live in old ideas. In fact, Tamar tested me, and my answers revealed that I was the only person with a growth/flexible mindset in this group that we were hosting; I was quite relieved! Now, my ego, on the other hand, it is still alive and kicking!
I share all of this to invite you to practice with me and learn the skill of mindfulness. It's a practice; you learn, you practice, you keep practicing.
This summer, I have worked diligently on creating The MindfulLife App, a little app where you can find my practices, workshops, experiences, and mindful coursework to support your BEST — happiest, stress-free life!
Thank you for reading this and being on the journey of living a better life.
I'll be back again next week, do you have something to share? Please let me know. In the app, you can send me personal messages. It's pretty cool!
I'll see you next week.