Thrive This Holiday Season: Mindfulness, Moderation, and a Fresh Start
Hello Wellness Friend,
Where did this year go? WOW. The holiday season is truly upon us—for some, it’s a time of joy, connection, travel, and, let’s face it, stress and… indulgence. Yet this season, I’m inviting you to navigate it gracefully. This may require a mindful approach to everything: eating, drinking, shopping, and living. I'm here to guide you through it with some expert tips, reminders, and a few mindful ideas!
Three Tips for a Balanced Body and Mind:
Prioritize Nutrient-Dense Foods:
Before indulging in festive treats,👆🏼 fill your plate with nutrient-rich foods like leafy greens, lean proteins, and whole grains. This will help moderate your cravings and maintain energy levels. This will also start preparing you for the January Detox; trust me, if you start doing this now, by Jan 13th, when we kick off, you will be ready!
Stay Hydrated:
Often, we mistake thirst for hunger. Keep a water bottle handy to stay hydrated, reducing the tendency to overeat and keeping your metabolism active.
Schedule Movement:
Whether it’s a brisk walk after a meal with your pup or a morning yin yoga session, integrating physical activity into your routine helps manage stress and improve digestion. SCHEDULE it and make it real.
Three Mindful Ideas to Contemplate:
1. Intentional Eating:
As you sit down for a meal, pause to appreciate the food’s colors, textures, and flavors. This mindful practice can enhance your eating experience and prevent overindulgence. Some research also shows that it cuts down on extra calories!
Gratitude Meditation:
We all know about the power of gratitude, but are you actually practicing it? Are you intentionally changing your life with this simple practice? Spend a few quiet moments each day reflecting on what you’re grateful for. These moments can shift focus from stress to appreciation, nurturing your mental well-being.
Energy Check-In:
This simple pause can change everything! Assess your energy levels throughout the day regularly. Take seven, yep, any seven seconds, and pause for an energy check. Make adjustments by breathing deeply, stretching, or stepping outside to recalibrate and invigorate your mind and body.
"Think of toxins like clouds that dim the brightness of your natural radiance. When we eliminate those toxins, our bodies begin to function at a higher level, allowing us to face life's challenges with greater resilience and clarity. By clearing the way, we create space for our true potential to shine through."
Dr. Chris Shade, CEO & Founder @Quicksilver Scientific
Exciting Updates:
Join The January Detox:
Ready to start the New Year with a bang? I'm co-leading a transformative month-long detox program in January. It’s the perfect opportunity to cleanse, rejuvenate, and set healthy intentions for the year ahead. I'd be thrilled to have you join us on this empowering journey! Sign up here. You can even make payments! #winning

Sobriety for Dummies Now on Audio:
This is truly wild: Our book “Sobriety for Dummies” is now available in audiobook format. You can plug in here or any online bookseller! So darn cool.
We’ve also dropped the second season of You’re Sober Now What?!, where we share short actionable chats about the chapters in Sobriety for Dummies! Think book club + Coaching = You’re Sober, Now What!?
Take a deep breath and exhale slowly. Let this remind you of your power to nurture yourself with intention and mindfulness.
I’ll be back next week! Wishing you peace, joy, and vitality as we move through the next 60 days!
Take a nice deep, letting go breath.
PS. Have you downloaded the FREE Mindful Life App?