Simple Guide to DNA

Maybe you're hearing a lot about DNA or genetics these days, from using it to find out where your ancestors came from to testing for specific diseases. But what genes are, what the study of genetics covers, and how genetics can be used as an impactful health recommendations tool is still somewhat a mystery to most.

What I've discovered is the value of knowing your genes, and I want to share it with you. Here's a quick guide to genetics and how it can lead you to optimal health.

What are genes?

Genes are bits of code found in our DNA that carry and create our various unique traits.

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Exciting News - What should I know about my DNA?

I mention DNA a lot, mindfulness too, and meditation because, you know, it's these three things that have changed my life from a mediocre hum drum stagnant life to a robust I can't wait to jump out of bed life!

Your genes are unique. They tell the story of you, and only you; no one else has ever had the same genetic makeup. That’s awesome because instead of doing what works okay for most, you can do what works best for you.


  • Healthy heart – find out how your genes are supporting your heart health and how you can support your cardiovascular system.

  • Weight Loss – your genes have a big role to play in how your body manages weight; learn insights to help you manage your weight intelligently.

  • Hormones – find out how well your hormones work and get insights about whether you should be avoiding taking hormones, such as the contraceptive pill or testosterone.

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My Secret To A Life Well Lived: DNA Analysis

When I discovered that I was a little off, in my 2nd year of recovery, and when I say off… I mean, my circuitry wasn’t quite firing. My hormones were not regulating my cycle, my mood, my weight, sleep, all of it. My hair was falling out; my skin was a strange tint of yellow, and my eyes were red; it was odd… The good news was I was sober and had the grace and gumption to ask for help. I sought out the best doctor's advice, and to no avail, they returned with a stamp of A.I.D.S., which meant Auto Immune Disorder Syndrome. I was one of the first to be recognized with this syndrome. I needed more answers, I began to study everything, and this is when I discovered hormones, which then led me to my DNA!

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