Reducing Anxiety: My Experiment with Going Offline"
Last week I admitted to being anxious, yep me. It was hard to say out loud, but the truth is that being on the computer all day and being social on social platforms on the internet has me wound up in a tight ball. I don't like it. I don't like it one bit.
I'm a mindfulness teacher. A meditation teacher, a hypnotherapist. A fricking DNA enthusiast who supports women in coming home to themselves, I'm not about being online all day. NO. My body aches from it; my mind becomes like sludge, and my personality goes dark. It's really NOT good.
10 Eye-Opening reasons to hire a sober life coach
Over the years of my recovery, I’ve seen this incredible movement supporting positive awareness of addiction, breaking the stigma of alcoholism, sobriety, people moving towards an alcohol-free lifestyle, and living in recovery—which is, in my opinion, fantastic! When I first found the sober path, it was stated over and over to be anonymous to “sit still and work with others,” “pass it on,“ and “in order to keep it, you give it away”. All of this was taken under the pretense that the care of my mental health and those of hundreds and thousands and millions of others who walk before me were all guided by true allies and the principle of altruism. {WHAT? HOW?}
3 Ways to Invest in Your Recovery
Should you invest in recovery? This episode is with cohost, Tom Gentry my friend and host of The Path To Authenticity who lives in long-term recovery as well!
Why Is Commitment Important in Love?
Commitment is one of the most important aspects of any relationship. Without it, you cannot build a strong or long-lasting bond with someone else, which means that your love might just dissipate after some time due to a lack of commitment from either party involved.
What Type Of Codependent Are You?
In this episode, my cohost Michelle Farris and I talk about the stages of recovery, codependency and its examples.
All About Alcohol-Free Living and Human Design
I love this episode with co-host Lauren! Are you a fan of alcohol-free living, do you know what it means to live alcohol-free? Today that's what we explore, alongside an insider's view of human design.
3 ways to embody your truth
I love when I meet other women in long-term recovery from addiction. Catherine Just has become my new bestie, and I hope you'll fall in love too. She is a wealth of knowledge and a gentle soul.
Building Sober Friendships
Tamar Medford is our co-host in this episode and I fricking know you are going to love her just as much as I do!
Why Get Sober?
Getting sober isn't one-size-fits-all. In this episode, Michelle and I share what worked for us.
Why is emotional wellness important?
As we approach a new year, many of us face resolutions and what is next... Having or creating a stable wellness ritual and maintaining emotional recovery is going to blast off your new year!
How to Be Fully Present This Holiday Season
This could be a stressful time in your life and I'm here to share today's Mantra meditation to calm you down at any time, you may come back to this practice again and again. Don't stress stop and listen. You've got this, don't give up don't lose your Sh*t... Take a breath through it and use the tools I have been sharing.
Dealing With Uncertainty
We live in uncertain times and so many of us are facing what is next in life? How will you show as the New Year approaches? This episode shares my number one tip.
Real Housewives Get Sober
I had this conversation with Braunwyn Windham Burke prior to the Real Housewives' decision to not up her contract again... such a bummer and more reason to love her.
Why Mommy Wine Culture Needs to Go
How can we stop the mommy wine culture? We talk about action steps in this episode!
Alcohol and Divorce
How not to drink after divorce? Ask Anne Marie. She shares so many insights about it in this episode. Listen in.
What is Hypnosis-Based Healing?
Shanon helps create new healthy habits, soothe fears, truly love yourself, feel confident, deepen your spiritual connections, release depression or anxiety. In this episode, she talks about hypnosis-based healing.
Drinking and Trying Child Adoption
Can you imagine drinking and trying to adopt a child? Getting sober for Shana was life-changing!
How to Find Long-Term Recovery from Alcoholism
In this heartfelt conversation, we dig into what it really takes to move through the rage and guilt of motherhood, listen and learn how to walk another day of sober motherhood, with grace and dignity, Jana shares so beautifully. Enjoy.