another night

Morning rather.  We have been awake since 3:00, maybe even before that, not sure.

The hypnobirth practice comes in handy on nights like this, we listen and relax, which is a better than stressing about being awake.  Tonight I’m awake from the pain in my hips, the deep ache that shows up always on my left side, my least favorite side to sleep on, but the side that is recommended to sleep on… bummer!

The boy wonder is moving about, a lot these days, I thought they said it would ease up as he got bigger but, not so much with him.  He is definitely hanging out a lot lower these days as well, preparing himself for EXIT!

Which brings me to our birth… at home, with the dogs… and a wonderful midwife!  Since seeing the midwife life has definitely changed, there has been a shift in security.  Which I would have never imagined if you told me, but it’s true.  She is wonderful.  Takes time with us, answers all and any questions, even the ones I don’t have.  The best part about having this experience so far is that I am not overwhelmed with the sterile, non-friendly, pseudo caring facade of the doctor that I was seeing at the practice that we selected… because they were associated with the “Prestigious” hospital everyone talked about. (Later I find out that it ranks as one of the highest C-section hospitals in our city…)  Anyways, our midwife, spends two hours with us on each visit, amazing.  She gently places her hands on my belly to feel the boy wonder and tells me how he is positioned, what he is doing… and then we always listen to his heart.  While at the other practice, we did listen to his heart but it was trivial, or so it seemed to the doctor, as she would quickly wipe up the jelly that was squeezed onto my belly for the small listening device.  With Sheila, my midwife, it’s done with a doppler, or something close to that name… old school style, it’s great.  We can hang out and listen for 10 minutes if we want…  it’s great.

Baby Levy is growing, I am comfortable, well as much as I humanly can be…  and the days are coming to an end…  not so quick… five weeks.

More about our birth next time, I think it’s time to go back to bed, hoooray!