This guide My book Training Course has been created for you. If you’re looking for clear direction. And answers to your big life questions.


We all have intuition, right? Then why do we often find ourselves. sometimes years later asking. How did I get here?

Most people are walking around intention-less aimless questioning. What’s my purpose?

Grace Happens A Guide to Living Fearlessly is the ultimate guidebook for people. Who are seeking to tap into their truth. Take charge of their Intuition and learn how to command life like a boss.

Inside this book Lane offers ten quick real entertaining. And actionable chapters rich with deliciously real. Personal life experiences case studies from current and former clients. Easy exercises and opportunities to interact with her directly helping you to.

  • Learn how to create the most powerful life changing. and impactful intention to move your life forward.
  • Pinpoint and shift the beliefs and behaviors that undermine your greatness and stop you from getting what you want.
  • Imagine and build a life you adore and start right now.
  • Make the kind of money you deserve.

By the end of Grace Happens, you will know your limiting beliefs and how they came to be; how to acknowledge them and let them go. You will know how to tap into your Deep Inner Knowing any time, any place and under any circumstance, and how to use that knowing to transform your life on your terms.