Time It Keeps ROLLING

We are now into the 15th month and you my love, are running!  You are now sleeping from 7pm-8am the next day with no interruptions.  You my love have decided that you want to nap, on  your own, you don’t want me to rock or hold you any longer.  You have decided to stay in your crib by yourself, although you are still waking 45 minutes later looking for, yes, me… and the boobie!  Which, honestly, here is the deal… You my little love can have me for as long as you need.  I know that the days are limited, and so very soon you will want me to close the door behind me as I try to put you to bed… I know that soon enough you will be saying to me, “Good night mom, I need my space!”  I realize that the days are rolling so very quickly, and yes I know deep down in my heart that you are growing, and your dependence on me becomes less and less. 

Oh my little love, the joy that I feel when you run to me in the morning to snuggle.  I hope these days will last forever, well I know they won’t, and then your father will be happy to have his wife back…