I gained 12 pounds! (I admit.)


Who wants to talk about weight and how they feel in their jeans?  Certainly not me… but when it comes to my current situation… I want you to know about it.

I am a huge fan of eating right, and treating my body with respect, especially after being diagnosed with no name Autoimmune Disorder Syndrome about 15 years ago, when gluten free was never in a part of a conversation let alone of a shelf in the grocery store.  It was at this point that my life turned upside down and my game of “hustle” went on hiatus.  A shattering time in my life to say the least, I went from go, go, going to sit, sit, sleeping, having my skin turn yellow, my hair was falling out and I felt as though I was losing my mind!  Looking back I did lose my mind, thank god for that because that life wasn’t sustainable.  The good news is that we have these amazing super human bodies, incredibly intelligent… it stopped on me, it forced me to look at how I was running the show!  I was force to change.  

Over the past decade and a half I have seriously changed, and done a lot of soul searching work. I have followed certain “smart” people and doctors.  Read lengthy books from gurus and teachings.  I’ve travelled and lived in far-away lands searching to discover something…  Something that would fix my constant state of illness, my pain, my moods, my hair falling out, my skin scaling like a snake, my face breaking out, my lack of a cycle which truly reminds me monthly of what it feels like to be a woman, looking for something to cure me.   What I discovered is that underneath everyone’s skin, deep within resides a small voice who tells us the truth, it’s this voice that I certainly don’t listen too all the time, but it’s always there.   Over the past six months I think I’ve been totally ignoring this voice, hence my new cushy twelve pounds!  

I am not a fan of having skin tight jeans, I mean I’m not 20 years old anymore, and I have a kid now!  For me at this point in the game, life is about being comfortable and feeling good in my skin.  Healthy.  Aware.  Conscious.  I’m going to lose this twelve pounds and perhaps a couple more as we head into the holiday, I certainly don’t want to continue to ignore the voice and how I feel in my jeans.  I hope you will join me on my 10 day adventure and detox!  I have done this before and it works.  Enjoy the recipes and updates.  It’s gonna be FUN!  


SHOUT ABOUT IT ON TWITTER @lanekennedy i’m in, you are not alone!

Oh, and Adrian is participating, you will see him in the pictures.  He is my taste-tester, albeit he is 4 ⅞ his tastebuds are superior!


SUPER Simple Delicious Soup.

Cauliflower Cashew Soup  prep 15 minutes —  cook time 15 minutes

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

½ cup onion — diced

3-4 cloves of garlic — diced

3 cups of cauliflower chopped up into chunks

⅓ cup raw cashews

2 tablespoons sesame seeds

¼ avocado

salt and pepper to taste

1 tablespoon turmeric

Heat the oil in cast iron skillet for extra nutrients (iron) on medium heat.  Add the onion and garlic, cook until wilted, about five minutes.  Add remaining ingredients and simmer for 10 minutes.  Let cool for five minutes and then pour into blender.  Blend on puree to creamy texture! Pour into individual bowl then dash olive oil on top.  Enjoy!