The power of a Mastermind

The power of a Mastermind
Before three years ago I had no clue what a mastermind was, but now I can't imagine my life without one. ((Are you asking, what is a mastermind?)) In the past I would have never shared ideas or considered another person's opinion who was in a different business or industry, now I respect the hell of anyone giving it a go in business with good ethics and practice and say YES to sharing and growing.  

Beginning of a permission slip.

Speaking up and owning who you are and what you are doing is key to success.  Sharing your message with the world, has to be done, done by you. NO ONE ELSE. Stop asking, “How do I make an impact on the world…”  Start taking action and saying yes to your life, on your terms.

How Do I Get My Customers Attention?! Help.

How Do I Get My Customers Attention?! Help. This weeks Straightforward Moment!  There were quite a few burning questions this week, several of you had the same quandary. How do I get my customer’s attention for a call… What is a creative way to get their attention?  I have a great, engaged audience but I can’t seem … Read more

How to find Buyer Information for a product based company!

Click here to get started with 19 days of Straightforward inspiration and life changing adventure! This question was super fun for me, thank you Karina!  It can be incredibly challenging to find buyers, actually let’s face it, it’s a pain in the ass, but you have to do it if you want to be in … Read more