logo logo logo

  The process is taking forever!  But just around the corner there will be a logo… I have been using a couple of sites, one of them, www.logodesignguru.com, and honestly I am not thrilled with this company, so I have gone back to www.ODESK.com which rocks… I may end up with two logos and then … Read more

A mental health day-off

Last Friday I took a personal day… a leave of absence so to speak, or you could call it a mental health day.  I was sick of it, all of it.  Fortunately for me I have a wonderful friend who came to my house and gathered me and my bag for an overnight respite.  She … Read more

a little self-help may help in this situation.

I’ve read a lot of books, a lot of them being, embarrassingly enough, about self-help!  As I continue on with this Dream Project and the creation of this company… there are moments that come across my day that are frustrating!  I have learned from this book, (many years ago) that there would be times when … Read more

Dream Project: Melt Down

So, if you didn’t know, I’m kind of into being perfect… well no, I just have these ideas of how things should look.  And when they come to me or my stuff, it should look GREAT… and then I realized I just don’t have the time!  Watch… and then there was this too! [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HGfsRacEYw?rel=0&w=640&h=390] … Read more

Lessons I’m learning as a Mother

Lessons I’m learning as a Mother. Honestly, there are so many discoveries and obstacles and triumphs that I come across each day as a mother I thought that it might be helpful to start recording them… 1. For the most part I am not qualified to judge what my son needs to eat, his stomach … Read more