logo logo logo

  The process is taking forever!  But just around the corner there will be a logo… I have been using a couple of sites, one of them, www.logodesignguru.com, and honestly I am not thrilled with this company, so I have gone back to www.ODESK.com which rocks… I may end up with two logos and then … Read more

Full stream ahead

Even though we are going to be a couple of weeks behind, I am, we are moving full stream ahead which is so nice!  We are deploying to our platform (fancy term for moving the code to location that the world will see it)…  yeah!  But there is something else I discovered…  watch! [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLFHYtgeRG0&w=480&h=360]

a little self-help may help in this situation.

I’ve read a lot of books, a lot of them being, embarrassingly enough, about self-help!  As I continue on with this Dream Project and the creation of this company… there are moments that come across my day that are frustrating!  I have learned from this book, (many years ago) that there would be times when … Read more

I have four sprints!

I made a mistake and it seems to be working with the new designer!  Yeah.  On another note, I have four sprints to this project.  A sprint is how a team will divide the load of coding/work into segments to focus on and create by an expected date.  After a sprint is achieved we then … Read more

building a team on a budget

A shoestring budget, where did that saying come from?  According to this Geek,                  “The terms shoestring budget and living on a shoestring are thought to be  related to shoestring gambler or a gambling game. The gambling references were recorded as being used as early as 1804. Another popular theory is that since shoestrings or … Read more

Requirement Document?

There is a lot of writing when it comes to creating a project, I really had NO idea what I was getting myself into when I said I wanted to create a company! Well, here I am three months later and have finally gotten the project completely out of my head and onto paper. SUPER.[youtube … Read more

NDA or die?

I never thought that there were going to be so many details, and this is just my beginning… wowza. An NDA, non disclosure agreement essential or just another piece of paper? Find out more about this luxurious journey I’m uncovering, can you hear my sarcasm?[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0U_8DrJEITM?rel=0&w=640&h=510]

Dream Project: Melt Down

So, if you didn’t know, I’m kind of into being perfect… well no, I just have these ideas of how things should look.  And when they come to me or my stuff, it should look GREAT… and then I realized I just don’t have the time!  Watch… and then there was this too! [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HGfsRacEYw?rel=0&w=640&h=390] … Read more