red red red

When I have nothing to say, I sit quietly and listen.  I was listening to a conversation the other day that made me re-think beauty and what that means.  I watch so many girls and women struggle with the term,  beautiful and, she is so beautiful.  Aren’t we all so beautiful?  Where did we go … Read more

My delayed post on the New York Times Article… VC’s are you paying attention?

I am most certain if you are a woman, a mom, a momprenuer, an entrepreneur who is creating, building or doing a business you read this article.  When it first hit I read it, then a day later I posted in on my FB page, and now more thinking has gone into this and here … Read more

I love SF MOM Entrepreneurs!

I am not a fan of being with others, actually I love being alone… haven’t I said that before somewhere….  Living My Dreams is pushing forward albeit slowly… it is still happening, so keep watching, please.  Other Fun Stuff for later April’s Mompreneur: Fresh Baby Bites ( National Small Business Week: The Mompreneur (  

Really deployment?

Just joking, well maybe not…  When I entered the world of technology I really had no idea what I was getting myself into, and maybe that has been a good thing.  Maybe naivety has been my advantage in this whole thing, maybe that is why I just keep going?  Developing technology without a technology background, … Read more

woooohooo the Other Place

Vacations come and go, for some they are planned, two weeks or seven days.  For a mom like me there are no vacations, before baby there were vacations every month, silent get away retreats, mental day breaks, and month-long sabbaticals.  It was awesome… and now, I am living the high life if I can have … Read more

Staying True and Focused

Recently I was introduced to someone fabulous, another delightful entrepreneur.  I love entrepreneurs, we are a special breed (but that’s for another post).  Anyway, I met this person and we hit it off immediately, I love that!  We talked shop, we exchanged ideas and then suddenly I found myself wrapped up with moving on from … Read more