Dealing With Uncertainty
We live in uncertain times and so many of us are facing what is next in life? How will you show as the New Year approaches? This episode shares my number one tip.
Real Housewives Get Sober
I had this conversation with Braunwyn Windham Burke prior to the Real Housewives' decision to not up her contract again... such a bummer and more reason to love her.
Why Mommy Wine Culture Needs to Go
How can we stop the mommy wine culture? We talk about action steps in this episode!
Alcohol and Divorce
How not to drink after divorce? Ask Anne Marie. She shares so many insights about it in this episode. Listen in.
What is Hypnosis-Based Healing?
Shanon helps create new healthy habits, soothe fears, truly love yourself, feel confident, deepen your spiritual connections, release depression or anxiety. In this episode, she talks about hypnosis-based healing.
Drinking and Trying Child Adoption
Can you imagine drinking and trying to adopt a child? Getting sober for Shana was life-changing!
How to Find Long-Term Recovery from Alcoholism
In this heartfelt conversation, we dig into what it really takes to move through the rage and guilt of motherhood, listen and learn how to walk another day of sober motherhood, with grace and dignity, Jana shares so beautifully. Enjoy.
What are Adaptogens and How They Can Help Lower Stress Levels
In this episode, Lane shares about daily practices that can support your nerves and lower stress using adaptogens and the importance of NOT overusing them.
How Yoga Nidra Can Help with Deep Relaxation and Rest
Rest is everything. In this episode, Karen Brody is my guest we discuss sleep and resting the body. The ultimate gift of caring for oneself, the importance of being, and her journey to Daring To Rest!
What are Essential Oils and the Benefits of Using Them
There are so many tools to use to increase our life force, we often overlook the obvious. Our sense of smell is one of the strongest senses, it channels memories, ideas, and can set off a cascade of hormones to create a new experience. Listen in to this episode where guest Sumera Shamim shares her experience with essential oils and the many benefits.
The Challenges and Triumphs of Being a Sober Mom with a Special Needs Child
Being a Recovery Mother is everything. In this episode, my guest, Kristina Dennis shares personal challenges, and triumphs, of being a mother with a special needs child, grief, loss, and deep love for being a mother shows up in this episode.
Everyday Regular Chia Smoothie
This is my favorite smoothie that I work on and use everyday, I LOVE chia and add it to everything. DIG IN.
How Yoga Nidra Saved My Marriage
We all go through challenging times in our partnerships, right? Some of them pass quickly, while other times, it feels like you're moving through thickening quicksand; it's a daily nightmare. Although you want to escape, you've taken vows, and you don't want to become a statistic. This is my story.
Will Meditation Get Me What I Want In Life?
My life ended up taking quite the different turn to the one I expected. As a model I was travelling the world, meeting new and exciting people and working crazy hours. I loved my life but before I had even stepped away from the camera and clothes I had my hands in a number of businesses like a kid mixing colors while finger painting and it soon became obvious that being a model wasn’t the end of the road for me - it was a launching pad.
Why I Love Being A Woman
Being a woman is everything. I love everything about it, I love standing on my own two feet, sometimes I even imagine wearing a cape!
Easy Self Care That Works
When even one part of your life is out of whack you can start to experience a domino effect as it gradually knocks more and more things out of balance, and continues to draw you down until you feel like you’re stuck waist-deep in quicksand.