
“When I met Lane, I was newly sober, heavily medicated, physically and mentally unwell, living in Miami, and questioning my decision to go to graduate school. A year later I am physically and mentally well for the first time in my life. I moved to NYC, accepted a job offer and have a much stronger sense of self.  

Lane helped me gain clarity about what I needed and how to get those needs met. I needed to be asked the hard questions to discover what wasn’t working for me. I needed a safe container to explore those questions.  Lane’s encouragement helped me make shifts in my behavior and listen to my body even when it was greatly uncomfortable, because she’s somebody I grew to trust deeply, and I knew I could lean on her. Even from across the country, Lane’s presence helped me through many substantial life transitions. While I’ve gained an invaluable new perspective, the most important skill I’ve learned is the ability to listen to myself. I will be forever grateful to Lane for the progress in my life this past year.”

-Samantha NYC

“I just have to say yesterday was one of the most powerful Hypnotherapy sessions I’ve ever had. Life-changing experience.

Thank you, Lane.”

– Amber WA

After over four years of struggling with frequent vomiting, bloating, mood swings and manic behaviour from our daughter, the help we have received from Lane Kennedy has been life-changing.  After testing our 7-year-old daughter’s DNA and gaining insights into it from Lane, we have been able to help her tremendously and, in some cases, eradicate challenges. Lane’s depth of knowledge regarding DNA, her passion for helping others, and her methods of explaining the science of DNA are easy to understand and compelling. The resources Lane has provided, including supplements and environmental and dietary changes, have been very helpful. We are starting to see a happier, more calm and peaceful child. Thanks Lane!

– Melodie BC

“When I began working with Lane…”…I had little to no energy, I wasn’t sleeping, I hated being in the kitchen and I wasn’t eating as well as I had in the past. I felt like I was stuck in a rut.

Lane was able to help me uncover the hidden parts of myself that were keeping me stuck in my rut by helping me take the time to forgive and honor myself on a deeper level. I started sleeping much more, my energy shot up, and I realized what I needed more of in my life to bring a deeper level of happiness to myself and, in effect, to my family. Lane is a compassionate straight shooter. She will call you on your sh*t while holding loving space for you and your process. If you have the chance to work with her, then do it! You can thank me later!”
— Dawn K. Gibson

Lane Kennedy client testimonial - Dawn K. Gibson

Amanda Cook, a leader in the wellness space and an expert in supporting online wellness entrepreneurs. When she came to me she was exhausted and burnt out, and couldn’t put her phone down or detach from it. She wasn’t sleeping well and her relationship, although strong was lacking the UMPH she so desired, and deserved (which had nothing to do with him but everything to do with her). Watch what happened!

When Jen Hansard, founder of Simple Green Smoothies, showed up for coaching, she was S-T-R-E-S-S-E-D! She suffered from the, I can do everything syndrome that so many women can get caught up with these days. Her health goals were to slow down, lose weight, and feel strong in her body. I was able to guide her to take time outs to discover small steps on the journey while she lost weight, knocked out her adult acne, and found time to enjoy her family. A truly incredible leader, business owner, wife and mama of two adorable kiddos.

“Working with Lane… …has been an incredible help and has been instrumental in helping me to define and begin executing the next phase of my professional life. She has kept me on track, asked me tough questions no one else would and provided a framework and resources for making progress that I’d never had before and most definitely needed. She is a talented motivator, an honest sounding board, and a source of feedback and a deep well of information.”
— Lorraine Sanders, USA

Lane Kennedy client testimonial - Lorraine Sanders

Mary Kathryn Johnson, ex-wellness expert, and now successful online entrepreneur, lacked confidence in finding a happier path, she fell short with deadlines and so much more. Mary’s results are hard to deny. In our third session, I thought Mary was going to throw in the towel and quit. I challenged her to stay the course. The outcome was beyond what she expected. Her journey to becoming happier, vibrant, and free has been amazing. 


I’m loving my life right now……it’s amazing how my life has transformed in just a few months with your help. I wanted just to say thank you from the bottom of my heart — you are one special lady, Lane Kennedy!”
— Maureen Frank, Australia

Lane Kennedy client testimonial - Maureen Frank

Aly Su is a brilliant, creative artist who came to me after years of being stuck with a chronic illness that was on some days quite debilitating. Together, we worked to create a wellness program that would increase her brain capacity, change her neural net, and rewire her brain. Listen to what happened.

“What you get from Lane……is a perfect mix of honesty with compassion, empathetic support, hard challenge, and intuitive brilliance. She’ll help you see a vision for yourself that’s so big it’s scary, then she will help you gain the confidence, self-belief, and practical know-how to make it a reality.”
— Kathryn Bryant, UK

Lane Kennedy client testimonial - Kathryn Bryant

“Lane’s advice and support……has been invaluable. She not only helped me save $18K this year in my business, but her advice is always spot-on. During one of our calls she helped me see what I needed to focus on in my business next and what things I shouldn’t waste my time on. Implementing her tips and strategies has always resulted in big wins for me.”
— Andreea Ayers, USA

Lane Kennedy client testimonial - Andreea Ayers