What Are Your Obsessions?

What Are Your Obsessions?


As this year rolls out, I continue to push the envelope in upgrading my life, and I hope to be able to share as much as possible with you here, and on Facebook.

I’m big on obsessions. Here’s what I’m obsessing about this week:


A long hanging bridge surrounded by a vast of green trees and plants in the forest.

A long hanging bridge surrounded by a vast of green trees and plants in the forest.

COSTA RICA…  I’m off to the jungle this week to explore monkeys, butterflies and the smell of the rainforest.  During this mini-vaca, I plan on sharing about the five senses with my kiddo and how he might want to explore his sixth sense if he sits quietly in the jungle!  How are you tapping into your Sixth sense?  I’m obsessed with my senses right now!

The Five senses: the senses or faculties of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch, by which humans and animals perceive stimuli originating from outside or inside the body. The Sixth sense: any supposedsense or means of perception, such as intuition or clairvoyance.  I often find my Sixth sense in my mindfulness practice.  I also use this sense to create the life I love and dream about, it’s also what I teach my clients about in my coaching.


Hemp oil and essential oils on the table.

Hemp oil and essential oils are on the table.

BRAIN HEALTH WITH CANNABIS.  About five years ago, I started tuning into the brain and how it operates, yes, obsessed.  When I coach clients I go into depth about the neural pathways, and how you can actually change your personality, and life.

When I began my journey with Hemp oil, I also began investigating cannabis, not because I wanted to use it but because there is so much research about how this plant changes the neural pathways and receptors in our brain. Here is a great class on Cannabis and the Brain.  I personally do not use Cannabis but I do have many clients that have turned to it and are having life-changing results.

get the guide



I’m gonna keep going with the brain for a moment, as this is a really big obsession.  Hang with me here, ready? Neuropeptides. Have you heard of them? You have millions of these teeny tiny particles, you produce them every second of every moment of your life. Neuropeptides are small protein-like molecules (peptides) used by neurons to communicate with each other. They are neuronal signaling molecules that influence the activity of the brain and the body in specific ways.  Why this matters… these peptides are like keys to the locks on every receptor you have in your body.  They create change within you. Why might this matter to you?  Well, when it comes to emotional balance, it’s these peptides that control you  I’ll be talking more on this in my next update, so stay tuned.

Neuropeptides are small protein-like molecules ( peptides ) used by neurons to communicate with each other.

Neuropeptides are small protein-like molecules ( peptides ) used by neurons to communicate with each other.


Have you ever gone through a body cleanse or detox?  Was it hard?  As I look down at my body I see new signs of age, (ACK) I also see a bit of what we ladies never like to discuss, cellulite.  Sometimes cellulite can be a sign of your body dumping excess estrogen, hormonal imbalances, and overall poor food and lifestyle choices.  All of these can contribute to a toxic environment in our bodies…  I have not been one to have much cellulite in my life but now… here it is. #goodgenes #aging With age comes change.

Citrus infused water.

Citrus-infused water.

Since taking my Hemp Oil, my body has naturally gone through shifts and partial detoxification, for the most part, it has been relatively effortless.  One of the benefits of using Hemp is its ability to work on the detox pathway and turn on and off certain genes. One of the genes I’m particularly interested in making sure works is the FAAH gene (AKA the Bliss Gene) I strive to live in a state of Happiness and the good news is that when I am taking my Hemp oil I am activating this gene!  Yeah, a double win for me and HEMP!

how to increase revenue as a health coach


So let me ask you this, are you interested in detoxing and removing the toxins from your body?  I’m getting ready to jump into a protocol that I’d love to share with you if you want to know more say yes here!

Have a great week and connect with me on Instagram to see what senses I tap into while in Costa Rica!

Want More To Read?


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