every hour, awake. insomnia. I’m not sure that this is normal, although from the forums online it seems at this stage in the game of pregnancy that insomnia is quite normal, and common for most of us… up to about 70% of pregnant women do endure this final stage.
He usually begins kicking at 3:00/ 3:30 and this continues for an hour. This keeps me awake as well. All of this is quite interesting. For the most part, as women we are not told that we will be UP all night or that we will have leg cramps, constipation, heartburn, or suffer naseaus while carrying our precious gem. Nope. I am curious to know that if we all knew going into this what we know by the time we are about to end the process if we would consider the process more delicately?
I’m not quite annoyed, just tired. Being tired during the day really doesn’t allow for much personal work to be done, so at this time, 3:00am I will attempt to dig into my personal items… like reading my favorite book, not a birth book, or name book… I could also finish up some writing that I have been putting off… check my financial statements, write out a new personal mantra…
He has begun his nightly activities. My eyes are heavy, so now I’m going to try to hit the couch… maybe good old fashion tv will work…
ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz please sandman take me away… to dream.