Five minutes to delicious!

Creamed kale with a pinch of love!

I am not a fan of big prep or frozen. This recipe addresses the prep… I was with another super mama today at a playdate and she started telling me about all of these quick recipe she makes for her son. I have changed it a bit to get the most nutrients and to get as many veggies into my son, who has suddenly decided to not like anything! She uses spinach…

Here is what I did:
1/3 bag frozen kale-
1 cup of broccoli steamed
1 egg
1 cup of milk
Slightly thaw kale–Steam broccoli (you could use frozen) then place in blender with broccoli and 1/2 cup milk — blend/chop Place mixture in sauté pan
Add other 1/2 cup milk and egg– whisk in pan on low heat
Add 1-2 tbsp of flour- I used GF flour otherwise I may keel over… Add salt to your preference
Cook.. It will thicken–

Add the love. Fresh grated nutmeg!

Simply dream big and then do it.