3 Ways to Invest in Your Recovery

should You Invest in Recovery?

Should you invest in recovery? This episode is with cohost, Tom Gentry my friend and host of The Path To Authenticity who lives in long-term recovery as well!

Confession Day 7 of 30

Today I was with a wonderful woman and had the opportunity to share some hope around motherhood.  Here goes nothing. I confess that I am not the perfect mother.   Actually I am FAR from perfect.  I have never been the mother who loves playing trains or taking a cardboard box and creating a rocket. … Read more

Fridays come and go

Another friday, already. I have been swamped with my pivitol tracker messages… so much work and so little time.  But this is great news, which means I am closer to launching, the soft launch.  Lets be honest, the test launch. On another note, I have noticed that my son, has suddenly stepped into being TWO.  … Read more