My delayed post on the New York Times Article… VC’s are you paying attention?

I am most certain if you are a woman, a mom, a momprenuer, an entrepreneur who is creating, building or doing a business you read this article.  When it first hit I read it, then a day later I posted in on my FB page, and now more thinking has gone into this and here … Read more

Dreaming in a cardboard box

When I was younger I remember my teachers always encouraging me to dream and stretch my imagination, stretch, stretch, stretch, well here I am years later sharing this with my son. So much fun. Other fun stuff to read on… The Cardboard Hall of Fame ( Cardboard ( Toddler-Sized Millenium Falcon Built From Cardboard Box … Read more

What kind of people are in your life? I recently realized that I have some amazing people in my life, who make my life much more easier to handle, now. Being a mom, and an entrepreneur demands constant attention to details, (now I’m not saying that this is the only job that demands critical attention… I’m just making a note) emails, line … Read more

The last fifteen minutes

  I think Adrian has about 15 minutes left in today’s nap… so I have to make this a quick entry. The last couple of weeks have been a challenge, difficult, hard, or bluntly said, shitty.  I have been wandering through the waters of health issues, and when this comes up I automatically go to … Read more

Fridays come and go

Another friday, already. I have been swamped with my pivitol tracker messages… so much work and so little time.  But this is great news, which means I am closer to launching, the soft launch.  Lets be honest, the test launch. On another note, I have noticed that my son, has suddenly stepped into being TWO.  … Read more

I think I left the planet

Holiday, came and gone, and so was I.  I woke up today, sore, sore neck, sore back and a sore throat, great just what I need on my first day back from holiday. Let’s talk about holidays for a moment, Yes I will.  I am of the variety who loves to travel and relax, but … Read more