collaboration and sharing

are you going? 

are you going? 

Lately I am have been collaborating with several women on an up and coming event that we are producing,  Connect.  Support.  Empower.   Although this work has taken chunks of time from my busy life, I honestly have to say I have enjoyed getting to know these women, and more importantly I feel more connected to a greater purpose.  

Which brings me to what is next… what is next with lane kennedy!?  After having to take an EXIT...  Yes I said, HAD, I felt defeated and a bit broken, the familiar ambitious drive that I am accustomed to manipulating wasn’t there to nudge me through the challenging time that I was facing. Taking time off with my family, being in Barcelona, then asking for help definitely lightened the load of self-pity for sure.  I didn’t tell everyone that I failed, I told a few select mamas, my ego wouldn’t allow me to wallow in total misery.  All of the mamas I that I told offered generous support and shared with me what they thought would be the next great thing for me… DID I ASK them for insight?  Nope. They took it upon themselves and volunteered information, which usually isn’t necessary for me but at this time in my life, they stepped up and brought me a new level of awareness.  Here is what they said:

You should really go back to helping people, it’s who you are…

Lane, why aren’t you mentoring anymore?  When you were you doing that you were sooooo happy!

I think you might want to take a little time,  just a little and then jump back in the saddle, it’s not good for you to have idle time.  Then start helping women again, it’s your thing.

When I reflect upon the times in my life where I have been most happy, (living in Thailand, Los Angeles, Boulder, CO) I connect with the work that I was doing at that time. These specific times point me precisely to working with women, and helping them become who they want to be, to do the things that they wanted to do.  (Simply Creating Change in their lives, so they could begin Living Their Dreams!)

Creating SF Mom Entrepreneur over the past (almost) four years has been a tiny part of me helping women see who they want to be in their new world as a mother.  I absolutely love it.  

Earlier in the year my husband said, “Lane, you need to find a hobby”.  When I think about that statement, I realize that I have found more than a hobby I have found my home, and what that means is I have found what it is that makes me smile, and jump out of bed! The thought of helping a mom find her vision and construct a business where she can enjoy her family, feed her creative and business self and feel good about her contribution to the world at large, is hands down an honor and low and behold a fantastic JOB for me!    

Today, I smile for failure and give three cheers for the gift of perseverance, even when things looked rather bleak!   Thank you for offering me the continued opportunity and my greater purpose, simply helping others!  (YOU!)

Over and out.
