Straightforward and Huffington Post

I have had the opportunity to work with some amazing mentors over the years and all of them have pretty much said the same thing, “Lane, always be ready.” Last week I experienced this first hand when my article in the Huffington Post that went live before I could actually think about it!  An email … Read more

the Quest and Getting What You Want.

There are so many topics that I can write about, seriously.  I often sit down to write and become overwhelmed with what I want to share with you; I close my computer or simply skip on over to Facebook and say hello to people or read status updates.  Nothing gets done.  But today is different. … Read more

Green Smoothie Sugar & Day Three!

The Smoothie Challenge?  Are you in?!  I have to say I love Jadah and Jen over at yes indeed huge fans!  And their proven and tried recipes are divine… BUT they don’t do me justice on my search to stay on the low to no sugar world.  Have you signed up for their next … Read more

I gained 12 pounds! (I admit.)

Opps! Who wants to talk about weight and how they feel in their jeans?  Certainly not me… but when it comes to my current situation… I want you to know about it. I am a huge fan of eating right, and treating my body with respect, especially after being diagnosed with no name Autoimmune Disorder … Read more

Spiritual Interventions and Life

A friend of mine celebrated a birthday recently and left me this message, “Lane, I can’t believe I’m this old. What’s happening? I’m not getting anything done.  I should…”   After I heard the message, the words kept bouncing around my head. I got a little empathetic because I’m familiar with the “I should…” statement. … Read more

How to look good on camera; from my model self.

How to look good on camera isn’t always easy.  But with these simple and no brainer tips you are sure to get a lucky shot you can show to everyone.  Oh, and don’t forget No bad makeup… Become a straightforward woman join the movement now.