The power of a Mastermind

The power of a Mastermind
Before three years ago I had no clue what a mastermind was, but now I can't imagine my life without one. ((Are you asking, what is a mastermind?)) In the past I would have never shared ideas or considered another person's opinion who was in a different business or industry, now I respect the hell of anyone giving it a go in business with good ethics and practice and say YES to sharing and growing.  

How do I get my item into a Brand Big Box Store!

Sign up for the next Free Webinar on Gaining Authority!  Three steps to getting what you want! This weeks Straightforward Moment comes from Chana Wood from Sugar Wood, the most delicious baked treats you will want to take a bite out of … she posted in our Facebook group and I came up with this Straightforward … Read more

Impact or Wasting Money on Marketing?

Click here to get started with 19 days of Straightforward inspiration and life changing adventure! Are you making an impact or wasting money on your marketing efforts.  I truly believe that if you are running your business from a place of service and looking to be a part of transforming the world, people will pay attention. … Read more

Confession Day 7 of 30

Today I was with a wonderful woman and had the opportunity to share some hope around motherhood.  Here goes nothing. I confess that I am not the perfect mother.   Actually I am FAR from perfect.  I have never been the mother who loves playing trains or taking a cardboard box and creating a rocket. … Read more

Confessions Confessions Oh My. 30 Days to a Clean Conscience~

I have been thinking quite a bit about keeping things in order, which includes my brain!  It can become very busy up there, and I don’t like that.  I like it when I’m free, and I can think clearly.  In order for me to think clearly I have learned that there are a few things … Read more

Straightforward and Huffington Post

I have had the opportunity to work with some amazing mentors over the years and all of them have pretty much said the same thing, “Lane, always be ready.” Last week I experienced this first hand when my article in the Huffington Post that went live before I could actually think about it!  An email … Read more