How Yoga Nidra Saved My Marriage

We all go through challenging times in our partnerships, right? Some of them pass quickly, while other times, it feels like you’re moving through thickening quicksand; it’s a daily nightmare. Although you want to escape, you’ve taken vows, and you don’t want to become a statistic. This is my story.

Goal Setting, Resolutions, and Being.

Want to Start jumping out of Planes?  Change your job?  Get 19 days of Straightforward Living free in your inbox now! I think.  Too much.  Seriously. It’s a new year and with new years usually big expectations.  What happens to you when you don’t make the resolution?  How often do you succeed?  I am so … Read more

What kind of people are in your life? I recently realized that I have some amazing people in my life, who make my life much more easier to handle, now. Being a mom, and an entrepreneur demands constant attention to details, (now I’m not saying that this is the only job that demands critical attention… I’m just making a note) emails, line … Read more

logo logo logo

  The process is taking forever!  But just around the corner there will be a logo… I have been using a couple of sites, one of them,, and honestly I am not thrilled with this company, so I have gone back to which rocks… I may end up with two logos and then … Read more

Full stream ahead

Even though we are going to be a couple of weeks behind, I am, we are moving full stream ahead which is so nice!  We are deploying to our platform (fancy term for moving the code to location that the world will see it)…  yeah!  But there is something else I discovered…  watch! [youtube]